Just a brief warning. I sometimes use coarse language while writing these pieces. I do not wish to offend anyone and apologize if I do. Think of it as loud punctuation.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Still Waters run Pissed Off

Thursday I went and got Nuked Up for my EF test. I have had this test before. It involves a lot of waiting. First they put in an IV and put a little nuclear waste into your system. After thirty minutes the tech draws some blood out of your arm into a special syringe filled with more nuclear waste. Then you wait again.

In five minutes the tech comes back and puts the blood back into you. Now you will Light up the special MRI style camera. Each picture takes from five to fifteen minutes and as Anna the camera operator said this sets "The Gold Standard for EF Tests". In normal speak that means it's the most accurate.

I broke the Nuke Camera Speed record by being extremely still and produced the fastest EF test Anna had ever done. The first two pictures were done in just over five minutes each and the third was done in six minutes twenty seconds.

At the end of the test, I tried to dig some information out of Anna. She didn't give in saying, "You'll have the test results in a week to ten days, but Dr. Mildenburger has put a rush on this so he will have the results this afternoon."

He should have put a rush on it, I have been waiting since October 14th for this test. In the meantime I get to deal with phantom weird chest pains and anxiety attacks wondering what they are going to do with me.

If things are urgent I should get a call from the Electronic Boys. They may have to put in a De-Fibulator Device, this would kick in and shock the heart muscle into working properly.

Sounds like fun doesn't. I may have to retire from Big Box Work wouldn't want to Tazer any of the customers. It would be a mark on my permanent record.

1 comment:

  1. I can totally picture you tazering customers.
    Don't forget to follow up with your doc and get those damn results! I am having sympathy phantom chest pains and anxiety for you!
